Vpak Video Brochures®
A Vpak Video Brochure can become a powerful marketing tool within your organization
A Vpak Video Brochure contains a card stock cover with nearly unlimited format options. Bells included, whistles optional.
Vpak has produced Video Brochures for hundreds of clients including large multinational corporations, small and mid size companies, not-for-profit organizations, government agencies and even private individuals. What type of video brochure will your organization create?
Video Brochures can be customized in a variety of ways:
- A Video Brochure can be fabricated in a Vertical (portrait) or Horizontal (landscape) orientation
- Can open from left/right or top/bottom
- Pockets for cards, brochures or other information can be added to your video brochure
- A Vpak Video Brochure can be customized by utilizing Numerous printing options including finish (gloss, matte, soft-touch®, and scuff resistant matte film lamination), embossing, debossing, foil stamping, UV spot varnish and others
- You can make your video brochure any size you want – no preset restrictions.
- We can create a video mailer by assembling your Vpak Video Brochure into an Optional custom mailing box.
- We can also fabricate your video brochure with a hard cover – what we call a Vpak Book or a Video card with no cover at all.
The most critical component of a video brochure is the screen. Vpak’s new Tru-Def® Generation 3.0 screen offers video in print industry leading resolution and engagement
With screens containing between 300% and 900% more pixels (depending on screen size) than the competitors “HD” screens, our video brochure delivers vastly superior resolution, more accurate color rendition, greater contrast and increased brightness. A Vpak video brochure is so far superior to the industry standard that it needs to be seen to be appreciated. Contact us if you would like to receive a sample video brochure today?

There are many different intuitive options to navigate multiple videos on our video brochure which make this such a powerful marketing tool:
- Dedicated video buttons
- Previous/Next buttons with “bumpers” and video “Table of Contents”
- Touch Screen
- SmartBrochure™ learn more about how to increase print real estate and increase your video marketing impact with our newest patent pending technology
All of these options are available with any of our Tru-Def screen sizes. Vpak offers the largest selection by screen size in the video in print industry to engage your clients with this powerful video marketing tool.
Custom video brochures – manufactured to your needs every time
You shouldn’t have to fit within “pre-made” templates. Your goals vary and so do our brochures, books and other formats. We custom design every project to solve client challenges and provide the most intuitive user-friendly experience possible.
Affordability – Our biggest innovation
A stellar engineering team, exclusive manufacturers, large order history means we are able to deliver incredible quality at very competitive prices.
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Vpak NEVER uses Grade B or used components
Reliable performance worthy of your brand. The newest technology and brand new Grade A components. Unlike others, we NEVER use recycled, Grade B or used components.
Innovated by Vpak. Always included.
Our commitment to outstanding quality and reliablity means we include features others don’t even have.

Overcharge Protection
Built in software to prevent the battery from overcharging.

Bass Booster
Engineered improved audio compartment to enhance low frequencies resulting in superior audio quality.

Larger Speaker for Superior Audio
Larger speaker for superior audio quality (40mm vs 28mm). There is a reason Vpaks sound better.

Multi-Function Control Buttons
Multi-Function Control Buttons allow more functions without adding more buttons reducing clutter. For example, press = next chapter; hold = fast forward.

Bumper Navigation™
Improves the user experience when viewing multiple videos on a player

Hall Effect Sensor
Our Hall Effect sensor is an elegant and superior way to allow for “auto-start” compared to mechanical slide switches which are ugly and prone to defects.
Take your Vpak even further with add-ons

Vpak Touchscreen™
Hi-tech touch screen controls eliminates the need for any buttons.

Updateable Vpak™
Provides an easy and convenient method to easily update video content without needing a computer. Built-in software protection to permit only authorized video content to be loaded to the video player.

Custom Audio
Add custom audio while the Opening Screen displays directly on the piece using built in microphone and software. No computer required!

Secured video content
Multiple options for securing video content.